Sunday, October 9, 2005

Vermont US Senate Candidate Oft Published In Al-Jazeerah

Steve Moyer is an Internet Programmer and Liberal and an Also-ran for a U.S. Senate seat in Vermont. He is not Me.

A 48-year old internet programmer from Warren, Vermont is always running for a U.S. Senate in that state. Steve Moyer ran against the retiring Senator Jeffords in 2000 as an independent.

Moyer says, "I am running against the Republican party and for the cause of virtue in society." Yet, when you visit his campaign Web site, Steve Moyer for U.S. Senate, the first thing you see is the quoted link, "Ex-UN weapons inspector compares Blair and Bush to nazis." I guess calling the leaders of the free world Nazis is Moyer's view of what passes for virtue in Vermont.

Come on now Steve, you say you're an Internet man, you should know by the rules of Internet message boards, the first one to throw down the Nazi card simply ends any logical discussion had.

I came across Steve Moyer in a Google search on my own name, which also happens to be Steve Moyer. Imagine how appalled I was to find my name on Al-Jazeerah. Not to mention how totally aghast I was when I read Moyer's anti-American rhetoric posted there.

I won't take the time to debug Moyer's ideology other than to say that his ideas are the reason why people choose lawyers and business owners over programmers to be their government leaders.

Steve Moyer says that he grants anyone permission to post on the Intenet anything he has written. (see Fountainhead) However, having a bunch of name-calling, anti-administration ideas posted on Al-Jazeerah's Web site doesn't really help the causes of equal rights (most Arab countries treat 1/2 of their populations as female property); separation of church and state (most Arab countries governments are Islamic theocracies); or freedom of speech.

What help is it for an American to write negative things about our lifestyle, then approve of the way it is used by the mouthpiece of those who hate us.

In Why the US Must Leave Iraq, Moyer says the war in Iraq has been waged not for WMDs, or for freedom for the Iraqi people, but rather he says that the U.S. has gone to war because, "the United States government is bankrupt." Moyer goes on to talk about how US deficit has caused the United States to become a world agressor, saying that the U.S. is, "terrorizing the world into giving us more money to cover our increasing debts. The United States government is the biggest financial terrorist on the planet." Updated

For more of Steve Moyer's political writings published on the Al-Jazeerah Web site, see the links below:

Energy Conservation is a virtue
Fuel Shortages Coming Soon
How Kerry Can Demonstrate Good Leadership

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you seem to have found a link on my site that's news to me. Where is this link to the reference about a Nazi?

I searched ALL the files on my site and only found two instances of the word "Nazi." Here they are verbatim:

"In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Catholic. Then they came for me... and by that time, there was no one to speak up for anyone.-- Martin Niemoeller, Pastor, German Evangelical (Lutheran) Church"

"Just like the Nazi party of Germany has gone away the Republican party needs to go away in shameful disgrace. Perhaps we should start boycotting Republican businesses. If you have a Republican sign in your store window you should go out of business. It's only right."

You failed to draw attention to my criticism of the Clinton's and Democratic leadership in the "3-Step Plan for Democracy" essay at:

How about you start taking up the cause of dealing with Republican Corruption which is extremely obvious for all to see?

How about starting by talking about the broad Republican conspiracy to go to war in Iraq and seize the 10 trillion dollars of oil for future American use?

A name is just a name. The Truth is what matters most. The Truth is that Senator Jeffords of Vermont left the Repbulican party in 2001 as an "act of conscience."

I suggest you do the same.

Steve Moyer

1:39 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link in question was on the dropdown, which is still located on the entry page of your site. It appears that the actual contents in the window are syndicated and updated, perhaps without your knowledge or control. However, the link is still valid and anyone can see your site pulls content from the source.

That oversight in your knowledge of the information published is in itself corruption if we define the term by your rules. You just can't have it both ways, however.

I have no reason to fabricate; you have the burdon of proof as to why you should be elected.

I stand on my points. Failure to respect an office because you can't respect the man is not an excuse for anti-American rhetoric picked up and published on Al-Jazeerah's Web site. Trying to tangle the idea of "truth" with the issue is pure spin.

2:09 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess this fool never did get elected.

Liberals want us to believe they have the answer to terrorism: stop the war in Iraq and go after ben Laden.

However, in order to get him are we supposed to invade Pakistan, a sovereign nation and ally? Are we supposed to illegally send a CIA assassination squad across the border?

It's easy to "say" the war on terror should only be a war to get ben Laden but in reality making that statement only shows how everything boils down to a simple anti-conservative template. No matter how illogical the reasoning, liberals simply cannot deny their thirst for power even when it puts the nation at risk.

In the end, that's the thing: liberals just can't help but be themselves.

2:22 AM EDT  

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